Kuwait SME-TE | September 2024

What is a CTF?

A CTF is a Jeopardy-style "capture the flag" contest. The goal is to teach introductory cybersecurity principles in a fun, gamified manner. Players will tackle challenges from a wide variety of topics, earning points for their teams by submitting the "flag" hidden away in each puzzle. The more difficult the challenge is, the more points a team will receive for solving it. The winning team or individual will be the team with the most points by the end of the contest.


The purpose of this CTF is to reinforce the learning objectives of the class.

Who can play?

All students are encourage to participate. Players can choose to work alone or in teams of up to three players. No prior experience with CTFs/information security necessary.

What about rules?

All players must abide by the Instructor Guidance. Furthermore, unless instructed otherwise by the instructor, players cannot engage in the sharing of challenge solutions or flags with members of other teams, nor can they post such information online until the contest has concluded. Moreover, players/teams cannot interfere with other players/teams.